What is ERP?
Enterprise Resource Planning system is a fully integrated business management system covering functional areas of an enterprise like Logistics, Production, Finance, Accounting, Sales and Human resources etc. It organizes and integrates Operation processes and information flows to make optimum use of resources such as men, material, money and machine. ERP is a global, tightly integrated closed loop business solution package and is multifaceted ERP promises one database, one application and one user interface for the entire enterprise. ERP system enhances a manufacturer ability to accurately schedule production, fully utilize capacity, reduce inventory, and meet promised shipping dates.
Information is integrated within an organization using an ERP system
What is Conventional Application Packages?
Conventional Application Package Can Handle only one Functional Area of The Company. Ex: - Accounting package covers accounting functional areas of the enterprise.
Difference between Accounting package and ERP package
Accounting packagehandles only individual business functions of accounts ERP package handles the entire range of business functions of The Company.
SAP AG has developed ERP package called SAP
SAP stands for Systems, Applications and Products in data processing SAP looked at the entire business as a single entity while developing this software Therefore,
SAP is a unique system that supports nearly all areas of business on a global scale.
SAP has a number of Application Modules in the package. Some of These Modules are
1. Financial
2. Controlling
3. Investment management
4. Treasury
5. Integrated enterprise management
6. Sales and distribution
7. Production planning and control
8. Material management
9. Human resource management
10. Internet and intranet.
Any module in the ERP system is implemented by the consultants engaged by the company.
After the implementation (installation) the system has to be used by the employees of the company who are called the end-users. They have to be accustomed to the way the system works to get optimum benefit from the system.
Roles and Responsibilities of End User:
Using the software at the end or after the implementation is an End User End user is the one who performs transactions in SAP after it goes live. Such as posting an invoice, goods receipt, creating purchase orders, sales orders etc
What is the Difference between Accountants is working on Accounting Packages such as Tally, Wings etc and Accountants (SAP FICO ENDUSER) Working in SAP Implemented Companies
Role is Not Changed. However in SAP, Each Business Transaction such as posting of Journal Vouchers, Sales, and Purchases etc is identified by Transaction Codes. So we can Post Business Transactions using Transaction Codes.
What is the importance of end user Training
The Success or failure of ERP system rests with how the actual users use it. Even The Most successfully implemented ERP systems fail to deliver the dramatic performance Improvements that it has promised due to lack of end user cooperation.
To Whom it is Suitable?
This Training is Suitable to People Working as Accountants with Qualifications of B.com, M.com etc on Accounting Packages of Tally, Wings etc For Getting Jobs in Companies which are Run on SAPERP.
This Training is also Useful to People Working In AUDIT FIRM,s which Have Clients of SAP implemented Companies as Audit Clerks, Audit Assistant, Internal Auditors etc.
This Training also Helpful to all Commerce Graduates Whether They Having Domain experience or not For Entry Level Accountant Jobs in Companies in which SAP is Implemented and also For Getting Jobs in BPO Sector.
To Whom it is Suitable?
Controlling End User Training is Suitable to People Having Domain Experience in Costing and People had Professional Qualifications Like CA inter, CA , ICWA, ICWA inter ,ACS, ACS Inter and People appearing The said Exams.